I think often we take the everyday things in life for granted too often. Flowers, the giggles of children, sunrises, the smell of freshly-cut grass and so many other "ordinary" things. I think that there is nothing as forceful a reminder of the existence of God as a day on the beach. We see God's incredible power in His pushing the waves in and out; the majesty of the birds gliding through the air; feel of the strong, covering sun upon our bodies, as surely this is what God's presence feels like.
I always believed that if and when we enjoy the Beatific Vision of sitting face-to-face with God in Heaven, it would feel something like the sunlight on our skin. The beauty of this is that even if one cannot hear or see or speak while on earth now, we can get a sense of God's presence with the feel of the sun.
So often- and rightly so- the Eternal Banquet has been likened to the celebration of the Eucharist. There will be feasting and joy and togetherness and perfection of souls and utter bliss simply because we are in God's presence. At the beach yesterday, I believe I got a smaller glimpse of the Eternal Banquet by seeing the sun and witnessing God's omnipotence and seeing life enjoying God's wonders and most of all, by feeling God's seemingly divine light shine upon me.